Safe Sport Considerations for Colleges and Universities

While Canadian colleges and universities are not required to adopt the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (the UCCMS), they may find themselves bound to the UCCMS by their participation with certain governing sport bodies and may want to develop their own policies to ensure a safe sport environment.

Ontario’s Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 Receives Royal Assent

On December 19, 2024, Ontario’s Working for Workers Six Act, 2024  (Bill 229) received Royal Assent. Bill 229 amends several statutes including the Employment Standards Act, 2000, the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Key amendments of particular interest to employers are addressed below. Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) The following…

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This session focuses on investigation fundamentals. Attendees will learn the key takeaways from case law and best practices for investigating workplace incidents.

National Academy of Arbitrators 75th Annual Meeting & Education Conference: Arbitration in a Changing World: COVID, COVID, COVID: A Multitude of Workplace Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on workplaces and union-management relations. Arbitrators, unions, and employers have dealt with new and developing issues such as mandatory vaccination, testing, accommodation, protection of worker health and safety, sick pay, discipline for safety violations, leaves of absence, and many other issues.

Keller and Heckman: Hazardous Chemical Communications Seminar

The Hazardous Chemical Communications Seminar is designed and presented by the attorneys of Keller and Heckman LLP, in partnership with Hicks Morley, for manufacturers, distributors, importers and exporters, lawyers, and regulatory specialists based in the EU who export hazardous chemicals into Canada and the U.S.