Retirement Homes Given Staffing Powers in Light of COVID-19

On April 2, 2020, the Ontario government issued an order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act authorizing every retirement home and licensee (within the meaning of the Retirements Homes Act, 2010) to take all reasonable steps necessary to respond to, prevent and alleviate the outbreak of COVID-19 in a retirement home.

Advantage CPD: Going Viral – COVID-19 Advice for Employers

As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Canada continues to rise, so too are the challenges that employers are facing across the country. Join us for a one-hour webinar as our presenters answer frequently asked questions and provide information on some of the key issues affecting employers with respect to the virus.

New Leave Relating to COVID-19 under Canada Labour Code

On March 25, 2020, the federal government passed Bill C-13, COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, which contains various fiscal and other measures designed to deal expeditiously with the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Included among these measures is an amendment to the Canada Labour Code (Code) which provides an unpaid leave of up to 16 weeks for employees who are unable or unavailable to work for reasons related to COVID-19. The COVID-19 Leave came into force on March 25, 2020.

COVID-19 and Long-Term Care – Ontario Takes Significant Steps to Address Staffing Concerns

On Monday, March 23, 2020, the Ontario government issued an Emergency Order granting Ontario Health Service Providers broad authority to take all reasonable steps necessary to staff as needed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has now taken two significant steps to grant similar authority to Long-Term Care home providers and Municipal Homes for the Aged to address the staffing issues which may arise due to the emerging pandemic.

Ontario’s Announcement about Closure of Non-Essential Businesses: Questions and Answers for Employers

On March 23, 2020 Premier Doug Ford announced that effective 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24, all non-essential businesses will be ordered to close for 14 days, and possibly longer. This order is made further to the emergency declared on March 17, 2020 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Here is what employers need to consider now.

Advantage CPD: COVID-19 Catch-up – What Employers Need to Know About the New Changes

A lot can change in a week. With a view to containing the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a flurry of announcements at the provincial and federal levels, including a Declared Emergency by the Ontario Government. From the mandatory closure of certain facilities, to the waiving of the waiting period for Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits for quarantined employees, closure of borders to non-essential travel, extension of the EI work-sharing program, and prohibited gatherings of over 50 people, new measures are being announced at a rapid pace.