Recent Minimum Standards Cases of Note

In this Minimum Standards Monitor, we discuss two recent cases of interest to employers. In the first, an arbitrator found that an employee returning from maternity/parental leave was not entitled to the exact same work conditions which she left, even though the original job still existed. A comparable replacement position was sufficient…

Are You Properly Authorized to Make that Freedom of Information Decision?

This is a short reminder to our college contacts about an often overlooked feature of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) – the assignment of formal powers and duties to the Chair of the Board of Governors. These powers and duties include those related to the processing of freedom of information requests…

Ontario Budget 2017

On April 27, 2017, the Ontario government tabled its 2017 Budget “A Stronger, Healthier Ontario” (Budget) and Bill 127, Stronger, Healthier Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 (Budget Bill), omnibus legislation designed to implement some of the proposals contained in the Budget. In this FTR Now, we highlight key proposals that are of particular interest to…

Raising the Bar – Fourteenth Edition

It is finally spring! Apart from the flowers that will be blooming and the warmer winds blowing through, spring brings with it a re-awakening of our thirst for knowledge. Fortunately, the courts have already been busy this year…

Ontario Proposes Key Reforms to the Framework for Collective Bargaining in the Education Sector

Significant proposed reforms to the existing framework for collective bargaining in the education sector may change the way school boards and unions negotiate agreements – and could impact the outcomes achieved at the table. Find out what may be in store…