BC Court Dismisses CFL Concussion Case for Lack of Jurisdiction

In a recent decision that has garnered media attention, the Supreme Court of British Columbia concluded it was without jurisdiction to hear claims brought against the Canadian Football League (CFL), its teams and various individuals relating to concussions alleged to have occurred to a former professional football player…

Appellate Court Finds Restrictive Covenant Not Enforceable Where Party Had No Legitimate/Proprietary Interest to Protect in Territory

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently found that a restrictive covenant was unreasonable because the respondent, who sought to enforce the covenant, did not have a legitimate or proprietary interest to protect within the territorial scope of the covenant. In MEDIchair LP v. DME Medequip Inc., the Court was asked to decide whether the application judge had erred in finding that the restrictive covenant (provided in the course of a sale of business) was reasonable in scope, having regard to the legitimate or proprietary interest of the respondent.

Qualified Foreign Pension Fund Exemptions for Certain U.S. Investment Offerings

Canadian pension funds are continually seeking investment opportunities abroad with a view to diversifying their portfolio and maximizing risk-adjusted returns. Offerings of investments in U.S. real estate and infrastructure projects will likely increase as a result of recent U.S. legal reforms which aim to attract foreign investment in these areas. Under the U.S. Foreign Investment in Real…

Ontario Proposes Regulatory Amendments to Prohibit Use of Medical Marijuana Vaporizers in Workplaces

On March 10, 2016, the Ontario government introduced Bill 178, Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2016. If passed, Bill 178 would amend the Smoke Free Ontario Act to provide for prescribed products and substances, in addition to tobacco. Among other things, Bill 178 would prohibit a person from smoking a prescribed product or substance or holding…

Ontario Proposes Elimination of the “30% Rule” for Pension Investment

Further to announcements made in its 2015 Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review, the Ontario government is soliciting feedback on proposed regulatory reforms that would eliminate the current investment rule that prohibits plan administrators from making investments that result in pension funds owning more than 30% of the voting shares of a corporation. The so-called “30% rule”…

New OHSA Noise Protection Regulation Coming Into Force July 1, 2016

On July 1, 2016, noise protection requirements will be extended to all Ontario workplaces pursuant to O. Reg. 381/15 made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The noise protection requirements currently found in the following regulations will be revoked effective July 1, 2016: Regulation 851 – Industrial Establishments (s. 139) (O. Reg. 382/15) Regulation 854…

Arbitrator Dismisses Grievance over Denial of Benefit Reimbursement for Medical Marijuana

Arbitrator Sheehan recently dismissed a grievance by the Hamilton Professional Fire Fighters’ Association which asserted that the denial of a claim for payment of the grievor’s spouse’s medical marijuana breached the collective agreement. The grievor had submitted a claim to Manulife under the City of Hamilton’s benefit plan, seeking reimbursement for its costs. He had…