OMERS Announces Significant Plan Amendments, Including Amendments to Support Members Affected by COVID-19

Participating employers in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) should be aware of five amendments to the OMERS Primary Pension Plan (Primary Plan) approved by the OMERS Sponsors Corporation Board (SC Board) on June 24, 2020. The changes will be of interest to employers in the municipal and school board sectors with employees who participate in OMERS and include several amendments to address COVID-19-related issues. In addition, two non-COVID-19-related amendments were adopted, including a major change to eligibility for non-full-time employees.

Federal Updates: Extension for Temporary Layoffs, Workplace Harassment and Violence Regime in Force on January 1, 2021

In the last week, the federal government announced two significant developments which will impact federal workplaces. First, it has made changes to the Canada Labour Standards Regulations to extend the period for recalling employees placed on temporary layoff because of COVID-19…

Toronto and Peel Region Moving to Stage 2 of Re-Openings

The Ontario government has announced that the City of Toronto and Peel Region will move to Stage 2 of re-openings on June 24, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. For a summary of the conditions and restrictions on businesses re-opening, see our Human Resources Legislative Update post of June 9, 2020, Ontario Announces Stage 2 Regional Reopening….

The Latest Updates for School Boards Before the Summer

As the 2019 – 2020 school year draws to a close, it would be an understatement to say that the year did not go as expected. From the hurried transition to online learning to the ongoing adjustment to the “new normal” of synchronous learning, we know that our clients have successfully navigated unprecedented and difficult challenges – and that there will be more to come.

Reopening of Postsecondary Education in Ontario

In a series of announcements and regulatory changes from last week, the Ontario government provided guidance on the reopening of postsecondary education in the province. The developments reviewed in this FTR Now apply to universities, colleges of applied arts and technology, private career colleges and other postsecondary institutions.

Ontario Announces Stage 2 Regional Reopening

On June 8, 2020, the Ontario government announced that most public health unit regions outside of the “Golden Horseshoe” will be moving to Stage 2 effective June 12, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. The government’s online document sets out the complete list of regions which can move to Stage 2.

New Measures for Use of Face Coverings in Transportation Sector

On June 3, 2020, the federal government announced new measures for the use of face coverings in the transportation sector. The backgrounder states that the use of face coverings will now be required for all employees who cannot maintain a distance of two metres from other workers, or from passengers. The new measures apply to…