B.C. Supreme Court Imposes Costs on Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal for Procedural Fairness Breaches, Deviating from the “Traditional Immunity” Enjoyed by Decision-Makers

A recent ruling underscores the importance of procedural fairness in administrative tribunal proceedings, especially when dealing with vulnerable applicants. In this Case in Point, Mariana Kamenetsky reviews the case, the court’s analysis and the decision. https://

A Cautionary Tale: Appellate Court Upholds Judgment Against Employer for Punitive Damages, Aggravated Damages and “Unusually High” Costs

In Ruston v. Keddco MFG. (2011) Ltd., 2019 ONCA 125 (CanLII)(Keddco), a unanimous Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld a substantial damages and costs award against an employer that breached its “duty of good faith and fair dealing in the manner of dismissal.” The Keddco decision serves as an important reminder for employers across Canada…

Raising the Bar – Ninth Edition

Dear Friends, Welcome to summer! We’re very pleased to bring you this pre-beach edition of Raising the Bar. In this edition, we’ll guide you through important recent decisions on topics ranging from offers to settle, to case management, to costs, to the question of when is enough discovery “enough”. We will also Shine a Light…

Raising the Bar – Third Edition

Dear Friends, We are pleased to provide you with the third issue of Raising the Bar, just in time for your dockside or patio summer reading. In this issue, we share with you some of the key cases from the Ontario courts in the past few months in the context of summary judgment motions. These…

Raising the Bar – Second Edition

Dear Friends, Spring has arrived, and with the changing of the season, what better time for us to deliver our second issue of Raising the Bar! We hope that this issue will invigorate your mind and spark your interest with fresh and noteworthy developments from the courts. This issue will “shine a light” on expert…