On November 15, 2018, the Ontario government introduced Bill 57, Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57), omnibus legislation giving effect to initiatives found in its 2018 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review. If passed, Schedule 18 of Bill 57 will amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 (FPPA) to, among other things, address collective bargaining and interest arbitration in the sector, and enhance protections for volunteer firefighters engaged in “two hatting.”
Tag: Interest Arbitration
John Saunders Mentioned in Fire Fighting in Canada
Hicks Morley’s John Saunders was mentioned in the September 3, 2013 edition of Fire Fighting in Canada in an article entitled, “Police deserve higher pay than firefighters, report says.” The article discussed Deloitte’s job-evaluation report, presented by John Saunders at the City of London’s interest arbitration, which concluded that fire fighters do not deserve equal or…
The Ongoing Saga of the 24 Hour Firefighter Shift
In recent years, one of the top demands sought by fire associations at the bargaining table and at interest arbitration has been the 24 hour shift schedule. Many municipalities have continued to vigorously resist this demand. In our FTR Now “Three Recent Decisions, Three Different Results – An Update on the 24 Hour Shift in…
Municipal Monitor Publishes an Article by Craig Rix and David Ross
An article by Hicks Morley’s Craig Rix and David Ross was published in the Spring 2013 edition of Municipal Monitor. In the article entitled, “Making the Case for a Better Interest Arbitration System,” Craig and David discuss the need for greater accountability and transparency within Ontario’s arbitration system. View Article
Ontario Releases Draft Compensation Restraint Legislation for Consultation
Earlier today, the Ontario Minister of Finance announced draft omnibus legislation, the Protecting Public Services Act, 2012 (the “Draft Bill”), that would implement new, substantially more restrictive compensation restraint measures, and impose a significant new provincially mandated collective bargaining regime, for the Broader Public Sector (“BPS”). Highlights of the Draft Bill include: Schedule 1 (enacting…
Ontario Budget – Highlights for Employers
On Tuesday, March 27, the Ontario Government introduced its 2012 Budget, which is entitled Strong Action for Ontario (the “Budget”). The Government also introduced Bill 55, the Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012 (“Bill 55”), omnibus legislation designed to implement a number of the proposals contained in the Budget. The Budget sets out…
The Drummond Report – Impact on the Broader Public Sector
On February 15, 2012, the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services (the “Commission”) released its long-awaited, 543-page report (the “Report”, commonly referred to as the “Drummond Report”) which identifies sweeping reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service (“BPS”). In our companion FTR Now, Drummond Commission Reports on Elementary and…
Three Recent Decisions, Three Different Results – An Update on the 24 Hour Shift in the Fire Sector
INTRODUCTION In recent years, the issue of whether or not to adopt a 24 hour shift schedule has become one of the top demands that fire associations are seeking at the bargaining table and at interest arbitration. Fire associations have sought the 24 hour shift regardless of the size of the department, population served or…