Regulation Proposed To Extend Filing Deadlines of Public Sector, BPS Pension Plans

The Ontario government has proposed an amendment to Regulation 909 made under the Pension Benefits Act, Filing Extension for Certain Pension Plans in the Public Sector and Broader Public Sector. This regulation would extend the timeframe for these pension plans to file their actuarial valuation reports and extend the time for the commencement of special…

Education Act Regulatory Amendment Filed (Honoraria)

On April 18, 2012, the Ontario government filed an amendment to O. Reg. 357/06 under the Education Act (Honoraria for Board Members). O. Reg. 57/12 adds a new Part II (Rules For The Period From April 1, 2012 To March 31, 2014), imposing a temporary limit on honoraria for a chair, vice-chair or other member…

Enhanced Disclosures in Pension Plan Annual Statements

Under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (“PBA”) pension plan administrators are required to provide annual statements to active plan members within six months of the plan year-end. With many plans having a December 30 or 31 year-end, a large number of administrators are now in the process of preparing statements for 2011. The PBA Regulations…

Ontario Confirms Full-Day Kindergarten Class Size at Average of 26

On March 2, 2012, the Ontario government filed amendments to O. Reg. 399/00 (Class Size) under the Education Act. O. Reg. 26/12 provides that effective September 1, 2012, the average size of junior kindergarten and kindergarten classes that a school board is required to operate under Ontario regulation 224/10 (Full Day Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten)…

BPS Solvency Funding Relief Regulation Amended

On February 17, 2012, the Ontario government filed an amendment to O. Reg. 178/11 (Solvency Funding Relief For Certain Public Sector Pension Plans) under the Pension Benefits Act. O. Reg. 12/12 prescribes those plans that have successfully applied for and, are receiving, solvency funding relief under O. Reg. 178/11. The Regulation is now in force….

Mandatory Reporting of Internet Child Pornography Bill, Regulations Come Into Force (C-22)

On December 8, 2011, Bill C-22, an Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service, came into force, along with supporting regulations. The Internet Child Pornography Reporting Regulations provide the enabling framework for the legislation. It names the designated organization (Canadian Centre for Child Protection) for the…

CPP Post-Retirement Benefit Elections Established

The federal government filed a regulatory amendment to the Canada Pension Plan Regulations which prescribes the manner of employee elections (or revocations) regarding the new Post-Retirement Benefit (“PRB”), which will be available under the Canada Pension Plan (“CPP”), effective January 1, 2012. The amendment was first proposed in October of 2011, as previously reported.

Ontario Enhances Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund (“PBGF”)

On December 21, 2011, the Ontario government announced changes to the Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund (“PBGF”) that will become effective January 1, 2012. The enhancements to the PBGF were introduced with Phase II of Ontario’s pension reform and the passage of Bill 120, Securing Pension Benefits Now and for the Future Act, 2010, and are…

Regulatory amendment proposed for CPP Post-Retirement Benefit elections

The federal government has proposed a regulatory amendment to the Canada Pension Plan Regulations which prescribes the manner of employee elections (or revocations) regarding the new Post-Retirement Benefit (PRB), which will be available under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) effective January 1, 2012.  The PRB extends participation in the CPP to those employees (and self-employed…

Nursing Act Amendments, Regulation To Expand Permissible Procedures

On August 19, 2011, the Ontario government filed regulatory amendments under the Nursing Act, 1991 that, in part, expand the range of procedures that may be provided by registered nurses who hold an extended certificate of registration in accordance with the regulations.  O. Reg. 387/11 and parallel amendments to the Act will expand the ability…