During the OMHRA 2022 Fall Conference and Annual General Meeting, participants will be encouraged to rethink and reimagine their approaches to municipal human resource management. The sessions will explore issues related to how to prepare for the future of municipalities and the future of work.
Training & Event Type: Speaking Engagement
Stratford & District Human Resources Association: Legal Update 2022
Ted Kovacs and Laura Buck are presenting a labour and employment legal update to the Stratford & District Human Resources Association.
2022 Faculty Bargaining Services (FBS) Annual Conference: FBS Reunited: Where Did We Leave Off? Where Are We Going?
The FBS Annual Conference brings together labour relations professionals of all levels from Canadian universities to better equip them in matters related to academic collective bargaining and contract administration.
Ontario Council of Administrators of Special Education (OCASE) Virtual Symposium: The Legal Corner
Lauri Reesor and Sean Reginio will be providing a legal update on conflicting legal obligations involving student violent behaviour and the use of exclusions, documentation obligations and challenges, as well as a case law update.
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA): Grand Valley Chapter: Annual Business Meeting and Legal Update Panel
Hicks Morley’s Kathryn Meehan and a panel of experts will provide a legislative update of employment, human resources, labour and safety laws.
The Canadian Association of Black Lawyers (CABL) Annual Conference: Post-Pandemic Return to Work – What Should We Think About?
What does the case law have to say about employees returning to “in-person work”? How does the lifting of provincial mandates affect an employer’s obligation to accommodate? Can employers mandate vaccination? What are the human rights implications?
Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development: Pension and Retirement Assets Upon Relationship Breakdown
When a relationship ends, dividing pensions and other retirement assets is complex and technical. This one-day, bi-annual program brings together family law, pensions and actuarial experts to help navigate these issues.
The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario (ILCO) 30th Annual Conference: Refocus. Reconnect. Recharge.
In “The Process of Litigating Human Rights Applications in Ontario and Across the Country,” Amy Tibble will speak about the process of litigating human rights applications with a review of procedural steps, evidentiary steps, preservation of information and more.
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA): 2022 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium
OPSBA’s Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium is held each spring and is designed to provide professional development in the areas of labour relations and human resources to trustees, directors of education, senior human resources officials and labour relations practitioners.
Women of Colour Panel: Intersectional Feminism in Law
Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell joins the Women of Colour Panel for a discussion about intersectional feminism in law.