WSIB Claims Management – A Detailed Overview of the Life of a Claim

Managing WSIB claims has become increasingly complex. Many issues are impacting employers’ WSIB claims costs, including unsuccessful return-to-work efforts, complicated injuries, psychological conditions, pre-existing conditions, and a lack of monitoring and progress. This workshop will provide a detailed overview of the life of a WSIB claim, along with strategies to better manage these challenging issues.

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This session focuses on investigation fundamentals. Attendees will learn the key takeaways from case law and best practices for investigating workplace incidents.

Attendance Management Training Workshop

Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces. From administering an attendance management plan, to dealing with chronic absenteeism, to terminating an employee’s employment for failure to report to work, employers are often treading cautiously so as not to infringe on an employee’s privacy or human rights.