Speaking Engagement

Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA): Decoding the Codes: What’s the Impact of Bills 79 and 149?

Event Details

February 29, 2024
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.



The HRPA’s micro-conference is thoughtfully designed to be a comprehensive guide to Bill 79, The Working for Workers Act, 2023 and Bill 149, The Working for Workers Four Act, 2023.

In a session titled, “New Year, New Law: Unveiling Bill 79 and Anticipating Bill 149 – Insights for Success,” Diane Harbin will begin by decoding Bill 79 and examining recent updates to the legislation. She will discuss crucial provisions such as the inclusion of remote workers in the establishment definition, mass termination obligations and heightened fines for occupational health and safety violations. Next, Diane will address the potential impacts Bill 149 will have (once passed) including new job-posting requirements, tip-sharing regulations and compensated trial periods.

Diane understands that staying on top of legislative changes and understanding their intricacies can seem daunting for employers. Armed with a deep knowledge of the labour and employment landscape and changing legislation, Diane makes it easy for your organization to navigate and prepare for the impacts of legislation including Bills 79 and 149. To learn more about how to effectively implement the required changes in your workplace, contact Diane.