Co-counsel for a university client at an interest arbitration involving issues of equity.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Counsel for university clients on various labour matters regarding human rights, collective agreement interpretation, disciplinary and pandemic-related matters.
Successfully argued multiple summary hearings at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to dismiss applications on a preliminary basis.
Successfully brought a motion to dismiss a related employer application before the Ontario Labour Relations Board in the construction industry.
Successfully argued that the termination for misconduct of an elevator mechanic be upheld.
Successfully argued that labour relations privilege applies to relevant employer communications at the Ontario Labour Relations Board.
Successfully resisted a motion by a trade union requesting damages be awarded for a jurisdictional dispute in the construction industry.
Successfully brought a preliminary motion to have a grievance dismissed for undue delay.
Successfully brought a motion to strike a Statement of Claim brought by a former employee for a number of employment-related torts.
Solved complex technical challenges arising during analysis of large data collections.