Assisted in successfully upholding the dismissal of an employee at grievance arbitration.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Successfully represented an entertainment facility on the appeal of the employee’s application to the court for a declaration that the facility had surrendered its common law right to terminate without notice through its policies and procedures.
Successfully moved for summary judgment on a financial institution’s counter-claim regarding repayment of an outstanding loan in a wrongful dismissal action.
Successfully represented an employer before the Divisional Court on an appeal involving issues of frustration of contract and the duty to accommodate.
Successfully overturned loss of earnings benefits following the termination of a worker for misrepresentations on his employment application.
Obtained 90% SIEF relief in a PTSD claim based on prior psychological disability and extended recovery time.
Successfully resisted appeals seeking entitlement for CPD and psychotraumatic disability in a medically complex case.
Successfully defended preliminary motion to exclude evidence in a termination case for a telecommunications industry employer.
Mitigated client costs through effective applications for claim cost relief.
Effectively managed return to work initiatives resulting in several consecutive year rebates for clients.