Successfully reduced client cost by 60% within six-month period.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Successfully argued that an employer’s use of personal data in a legal proceeding was not a breach of existing privacy law.
Successfully represented a university defending discipline of a faculty member for discriminatory conduct against allegations of a breach of academic freedom rights.
Counsel to the Respondent in the leading family status accommodation case in Ontario.
On behalf of universities, successfully defended various Human Rights Tribunal applications from students, staff and senior faculty claiming discrimination on various grounds of discrimination including race, gender, creed and psychological disability.
Successfully defended a school board against a human rights application alleging discrimination in the provision of special education to students.
On behalf of universities, successfully defended wrongful dismissal and constructive dismissal claims by senior administration alleging harassment and systemic discrimination.
Successfully represented an education institution client on multiple complaints before the Ministry of Labour.
Advised and represented a single employer pension plan sponsor and administrator in the negotiation of a merger of its plans with a large jointly sponsored pension plan.
Advised and represented a broader public sector employer in the negotiation and implementation of a jointly sponsored pension plan conversion.