Successfully represented a hospital in a grievance involving the employer’s decision to eliminate a full time position vacated by a retiring employee and to covert the position to two part-time positions.
We offer legal services that include advice, courtroom and tribunal advocacy, negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, policy development and strategic planning. Below are examples of work we have performed for our clients.
Represented an advertising company in defending a freedom of expression claim pursuant to the Charter. Claim stayed on jurisdictional and forum non conveniens grounds.
Represented a program delivery company in an unjust dismissal complaint. Successfully asserted preliminary objection to adjudicator’s jurisdiction based on the complainant’s status as an independent contractor.
Represented a plan administrator before the Court of Appeal for Ontario in a claim for a survivor pension which considered the test for qualifying as a common-law spouse and the administrator’s discharge provision under the Pension Benefits Act.
On behalf of a financial institution, defeated a judicial review application of a Canadian Human Rights Commission decision in Federal Court.
Successfully defended a retail client in a human rights complaint brought by a customer who claimed he was denied service for discriminatory reasons.
Represented a large natural gas company in regulatory hearings on repeat basis.
Successfully brought a motion for summary judgment to dismiss claims against a large insurer and its insured on jurisdictional basis.
Successfully represented a large corporation in a trial involving breach of contract. Was successful in the appellate court as well.
Conducted a civil litigation trial involving property damage and personal injury with favourable results for the client.