Represented a large retailer in a class action brought by former employees alleging wrongful dismissal claims.

Defeated certification in a proposed class action brought by employees involving bonus claims.

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees against a large public sector organization alleging asbestos exposure (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees claiming entitlement to overtime pay against a large financial institution (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees regarding claims for employment standards payments following a plant closure, based on a jurisdictional motion (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees in Ontario and Quebec alleging mass constructive dismissal (upheld on appeal).

Ongoing representation of municipalities (all sizes) in their inside/outside, fire and EMS collective bargaining and interest arbitrations.

Successfully argued an interim decision before the Ontario Labour Relations Board permitting a construction client to maintain counsel of its choice for the duration of the hearing.

Successfully argued a dismissal of a human rights claim on behalf of a manufacturing client based on expiration of the limitation period.

Successfully argued a jurisdictional dispute on behalf of a federally regulated transportation client.