Guided several major financial institutions though extensive restructurings and mass terminations.

Advised a telecommunications company on the people issues associated with the purchase and sale of businesses.

Renegotiated and drafted executive employment agreements for financial institutions.

Provided strategic advice to a media company in order to successfully resist union certification.

Successfully represented multi-national manufacturing employers in a variety of situations involving wrongful competition and solicitation.

Argued successfully on behalf of a college for the dismissal of an application for judicial review of a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario decision.

Defeated a grievance in which the grievor claimed an entitlement to sick pay benefits during a period of absence for which her claim for WSIB benefits was denied.

Argued successfully for the dismissal of a human rights application on the basis that the application had no reasonable prospect of success as a result of delay and the applicant’s inability to rely on statements made during mediation.

Successfully defended a discharge grievance for a long-term care home involving a healthcare worker terminated for resident abuse.

Strategic advisor to multi-location retailer in relation to union negotiations concerning significant business restructuring.