Represented an outsourcing company to obtain an Anton Piller order without notice permitting search of residence of departing employee and seizure of client confidential documents and data.

Obtained an injunction on behalf of a school board overturning athletic association decisions disqualifying an intercollegiate soccer team from competition at provincial championships.

Successfully represented a school board in the judicial review of an arbitrator’s decision addressing retirement gratuities.

Argued grievance arbitration where the issue was one of collective agreement interpretation involving the union’s scope of work and work jurisdiction.

Worked with a client in the services sector to prepare a plan for response to union organizing and subsequently advised and counselled it through an unsuccessful union application to certify.

Successfully represented a large steel manufacturer in aggressive claims of inappropriate and uncivil management.

Acted as chief negotiator in collective bargaining for a first collective agreement in a time of great restraint in the broader public services.

Ongoing advice and representation in the management of unionized and non-unionized employees in the gaming and hospitality industry.

Ongoing labour and employment counsel to universities in the management and administration of academic staff and faculty.

Successfully argued labour relations board case on the distinction between a sale of business and a bona fide contracting out and related unfair labour practices.