Successfully obtained an arbitration award for a hospital confirming that the elimination of shifts/lines on part-time schedule did not constitute a layoff or elimination of a position.

Participated with Ontario Bar Association in consultations by the Ontario government on new family law pension division scheme.

Acted for an employer in a class action and related negotiation used to obtain court approval of a surplus sharing agreement in the face of difficult trust language.

Appeared before Financial Services Tribunal of Ontario on a dispute over an employer entitlement to pension surplus.

Represented an employer in negotiations to transform a single-employer pension plan into a jointly sponsored pension plan, requiring agreement with the union on joint governance, solvency funding relief, employer contribution limits and benefit modifications.

Successfully represented a financial institution on the judicial review (and later appeal) of a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’s decision to dismiss a complaint regarding discrimination on the basis of disability.

Successfully represented a transit company in a judicial review regarding the repayment of collector funds.

Successfully defended a financial institution in an unjust dismissal claim brought by a former financial services representative.

Successfully represented a school board in a termination grievance brought by a former janitorial staff member.

Represented a financial institution in a class action relating to overtime pay, including at the certification motion, the common issues trial, and the appeal.