Successfully represented bio-medical manufacturer at arbitration in contracting out grievance brought by unionized drivers.

Successfully represented a health services employer at arbitration and at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario in a grievance and an application brought by unionized employee alleging reprisal resulting from association with transgendered employee.

Counsel to various Ontario hospitals in OPSEU, SEIU, CUPE and ONA local issues interest arbitrations including Bill 124 (Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019) reopener negotiations.

Counsel to healthcare corporations in Ontario Labour Relations Board proceedings under the Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act.

Successfully represented a national broadcaster in one of the most significant bargaining unit restructuring proceedings before the Canada Labour Relations Board.

Advised an automobile manufacturer in successive union organizing campaigns and successfully resisting union certification.

Successfully defended a food manufacturer in the termination of an employee accused of sexual harassment.

Successfully represented a university in judicial review proceedings to protect the integrating of information-sharing policies in a unionized academic setting.

Provided strategic advice to a major drink manufacturer in relation to multi-location bargaining and successfully managing multi-location labour disputes.

Advised a major spirit producer in bargaining resulting in a significant rewrite of an established collective agreement.