Represented a broadcaster in a major non-construction jurisdictional dispute leading to an amendment by the Ontario Labour Relations Board of a collective agreement scope clause.

Had a grievance dismissed which alleged that a hospital had failed to provide a union and its members with benefit improvements as a result of the hospital receiving Employment Insurance Rebates.

Successfully argued on behalf of a university that an application for judicial review of an arbitrator’s decision, which had upheld a termination for cause, should be dismissed for delay.

Acted for a transit service provider in a policy grievance relating to the proper interpretation of a recognition clause in a collective agreement.

Successfully argued on behalf of a police services board that an arbitrator had no jurisdiction to hear a grievance relating to promotion.

Successfully defended a hospital against a constructive dismissal claim by a program director.

Regularly assists employers resolve workplace disputes, manage change and achieve strategic objectives at mediation-arbitration.

Regularly provides advice to employers regarding union organizing, certification and collective bargaining negotiations.

Successfully represented long-term care and healthcare sector employers at interest arbitration for the renewal of their collective agreements with various unions including ONA, CUPE, OPSEU, and SEIU.

Lead negotiator for companies in central bargaining covering thousands of employees.