Successfully defended a manufacturer’s decision to terminate an employee for petty theft.

Persuaded an arbitrator to accept a beverage manufacturing employer’s position that its voluntary severance program did not discriminate against disabled employees.

Persuaded an arbitrator to allow a municipal employer’s grievance against a union with respect to deliberate damage caused to the employer’s vehicle by the employee.

Successfully defended an automotive manufacturing employer’s position that no severance pay was owing to several employees pursuant to the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

Successfully defended a construction association and its executive director against an injunction attempting to prevent the implementation of a collective agreement provision brought by an individual contractor.

Successfully defended large power sector client against a grievance in the construction industry regarding the removal of a long-standing benefit not captured by the collective agreement language.

Successfully defended large automotive client at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario against a claim for discrimination based on early retirement payment claw backs.

Successfully represented a financial institution at trial in defending a claim relating to incentive compensation.

Successfully upheld the discharge of a tenured university faculty member for quid pro quo sexual harassment of a student.

Successfully defended a discharge grievance for a university in connection with a false allegation by the grievor of workplace violence and harassment.