
This session focuses on investigation fundamentals. Attendees will learn the key takeaways from case law and best practices for investigating workplace incidents. The morning portion of the session will include instructional components, video demonstrations and a discussion regarding strategies to deal with issues that can arise when conducting investigations. In the afternoon we will go over a brief overview of workplace investigation best practices and summarize what we have learned.

Speaking Engagement

Kathryn Meehan and Evon Gayle will be providing a legal update during a session hosted by HRnet Communitech Peer2Peer Group, a hub for HR professionals in the tech sector.


This session will begin with a brief overview of workplace investigation best practices. We will then turn our attention to an interactive exercise in which attendees will have the opportunity to use what they learned in Part 1 to develop and hone their skills.


Managing mental health issues in the workplace poses a considerable challenge to employers, who are often required to navigate difficult questions around employee privacy, employment preferences, and workplace rules and expectations with the duty to accommodate. Join us as we discuss the legal obligations that arise when working to accommodate employee mental health concerns and the best practices to keep in mind as they relate to accommodating mental health in the workplace.

Speaking Engagement

In a session titled “Health & Safety 101,” Sean Reginio will discuss school board obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and associated implications under the Ontario Human Rights Code as well as the impact of the OHSA on special education students, teachers and other educational workers.

As a lawyer who regularly represents employers in human rights complaints, Jacqueline Luksha understands that developments in human rights law intersect with all practice areas.