15 Results


Please note more information will be available available shortly. Fee: $525.00 plus $68.25 (13% HST) Total $593.25 per person


The WSIB return-to-work process is complex. Employers must navigate multiple issues such as meeting return-to-work obligations, managing claim costs and addressing potential concurrent employment law issues.


This session will begin with a brief overview of workplace investigation best practices. We will then turn our attention to an interactive exercise in which attendees will have the opportunity to use what they learned in Part 1 to develop and hone their skills.


Managing WSIB claims has become increasingly complex. Many issues are impacting employers’ WSIB claims costs, including unsuccessful return-to-work efforts, complicated injuries, psychological conditions, pre-existing conditions, and a lack of monitoring and progress. This workshop will provide a detailed overview of the life of a WSIB claim, along with strategies to better manage these challenging issues.


WSIB claims for mental stress conditions pose unique challenges for employers. Join us as we discuss best practices for effectively managing mental stress claims, with a view to mitigating costs and working toward successful resolution of claims in the workplace. In this workshop, we will explore and build on the fundamentals of mental stress claims by addressing topics

Speaking Engagement

This year’s Growing Your Workforce Conference, hosted by Workforce WindsorEssex, focuses on addressing workforce development challenges and opportunities across Southwestern Ontario. It is an event where ideas are exchanged, best practices are shared, and solutions are crafted to address the pressing issues facing workforces, talent pipelines and local labour markets.

Speaking Engagement

The Schedule 2 Employers’ Group Conference gathers employers from across Ontario to learn about current issues and new advancements in the fields of workers’ compensation, disability management, employee wellness, and workplace health and safety.