Jodi Gallagher Healy Quoted in Business Insurance Article on Workers Compensation Law
Hicks Morley’s Jodi Gallagher Healy was quoted in the January 18, 2016 Business Insurance article entitled “Ontario employers could see cost hikes from new workers comp law.” The article focuses on the new workers compensation legislation in Ontario which has the potential to raise the costs for employers that participate in its workers compensation program. The new legislation stems from the April 2013 report prepared for Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board which found that claim suppression was a real problem. Jodi explains, “For many employers, those prohibitions are not going to impact them…They understand that employees have the freedom to report injuries, that they have a responsibility to facilitate that and do their reporting. But this is meant as a protective measure in the event that there are employers out there who are discouraging people from making claims or unintentionally doing so.”