In the October 2013 edition of Lexpert Magazine, an article entitled “The Exponential Growth of Privacy Law” discussed privacy law as a growing legal practice that permeates nearly every business decision, and transcends nearly every industry. In the article, Paul Broad commented on CASL [Canada’s new anti-spam and anti-malware law], “CASL will cover all sorts…

Hicks Morley’s Christopher Riggs will deliver the convocation address and be presented with an honorary Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) degree from The University of Guelph on Saturday, October 19, 2013. The University of Guelph’s news release acknowledges some of Christopher’s accomplishments including practicing labour and employment law for more than four decades, making contributions…

Hicks Morley’s Stephen Shamie, and John Brooks  were mentioned in the September 2013 edition of Who’s Who Legal in an article entitled, “Management Labour & Employment Marketplace Analysis.” The article featured lawyers who are specialists on management-side issues for labour and employment, and pension law, and stated as follows: “Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie fields…

Hicks Morley’s John Saunders was mentioned in the September 3, 2013 edition of Fire Fighting in Canada in an article entitled, “Police deserve higher pay than firefighters, report says.” The article discussed Deloitte’s job-evaluation report, presented by John Saunders at the City of London’s interest arbitration, which concluded that fire fighters do not deserve equal or…

Hicks Morley’s Simon Mortimer was quoted in the September 3, 2013 edition of Canadian Labour Reporter in an article entitled, “New super-union Unifor targets unlikely membership.” The article discussed Unifor, the nation’s largest private sector union, formed from the merger of the Canadian Auto Workers union and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers union. The article…

We Welcome Four New Associates

Hicks Morley is pleased to announce the hiring of four new associates to our team. Working out of the firm’s Toronto office are Joshua Concessao, Michelle Folliott, Dianne Jozefacki, and Amanda Lawrence.

Hicks Morley’s John Saunders was quoted in the August 27, 2013 edition of The London Free Press in an article entitled, “Toronto attorney John Saunders argues during arbitration hearing that the old rules are gone and some non-core services should be outsourced.” The article discusses contract arbitration hearings regarding proposed retroactive wage hikes for the…

Hicks Morley’s Stephen Shamie was quoted in the 2013 Fall digital edition of Canadian Lawyer 4Students in the article entitled, “To specialize or not to specialize?” The article discusses whether specializing early can help students land their desired job. Stephen states, “While it is great if they have an interest in labour or human resources…

Hicks Morley’s Sean Sells was quoted in the August 19, 2013 edition of Law Times magazine in an article entitled, “Focus: Spike in pension-related human rights litigation.” The article discusses the influx of pension claims and cautions that a successful claim could have damaging consequences on a pension plan. Sean states, “Employers and pension plans…