FTR Quarterly – Issue 5, Volume 1

This year, 2017, marks an important milestone in the history of our firm. In 1972, Bob Hicks, Colin Morley, Fred Hamilton, Bruce Stewart, Tom Storie, Chris Riggs, Harvey Beresford and John Murray were the founding members of our firm and started their practice as Hicks, Morley, Hamilton, Stewart, Storie…

Ontario Proposes Key Reforms to the Framework for Collective Bargaining in the Education Sector

Significant proposed reforms to the existing framework for collective bargaining in the education sector may change the way school boards and unions negotiate agreements – and could impact the outcomes achieved at the table. Find out what may be in store…

Labour Relations Impact of Ontario’s Proposed New Child and Family Services Framework

Change is coming to your current service delivery model. Legislation recently proposed by the Ontario government to repeal and replace the Child and Family Services Act will enhance existing accountability and compliance rules…

Arbitrator Rules That He Has No Jurisdiction Over ETFO Central Grievance Concerning Report Cards

In a significant decision, Arbitrator Hayes has concluded that, as a Central Arbitrator, he does not have jurisdiction under the central terms of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) collective agreements to consider a grievance concerning a school board’s instructions to teachers regarding the preparation of report cards…