Court Rules Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Manager Outside Scope of Release with Employer

In Watson v The Governing Council of the Salvation Army, the plaintiff sued her former manager (Manager) for sexual harassment after having already settled the termination of her employment with her former employer, the Salvation Army. In her statement of claim, she sought a damage award for negligence, intentional infliction of emotional harm and breach…

Ontario Introduces Pay Transparency Legislation

On March 6, 2018, the Ontario government introduced Bill 203, Pay Transparency Act, 2018, which creates certain requirements for employers regarding compensation information and its disclosure to employees and potential employees. If passed, Bill 203 would, among other things: prohibit employers from seeking the compensation history regarding a potential employee, although that person may voluntarily…

Regulation Made Under School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014 Sets Out Minister’s Authority as Crown Representative

On March 1, 2018, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 50/18 “Minister’s Authority as Crown Representative” made under the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014 (Act). O. Reg. 50/18 sets out the Minister’s authority to exercise the powers of the Crown under the Act. In table format, the Regulation specifies the general nature of the Crown…

FSCO Launches Targeted Compliance Review of Member Option Statements

In March, 2018, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) will commence a targeted review of pension plan member option statements to verify compliance with key requirements under the Pension Benefits Act (Act) and FSCO policies. In particular, FSCO will focus its targeted review on whether plan administrators are: meeting requirements for statement content and…

Arbitrator Confirms that a Teacher on Voluntary Unpaid Leave is Not Entitled to Sick Leave Until She Makes a Bona Fide Return to Work

In a decision dated February 20, 2018, Arbitrator William Kaplan dismissed a grievance brought by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) concerning a teacher’s entitlement to sick leave when, following a voluntary unpaid non-statutory leave of absence, she is unable to return to work due to an intervening illness or injury.

Are Service Providers Liable for Harassment Between Customers? The Divisional Court Weighs In

In City of Toronto v. Josephs, the Divisional Court reviewed a recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) and specifically addressed the question of a service provider’s liability for harassment issues arising between customers. In so doing, the Court has provided useful guidance for organizations that provide services to the public, and…

Ontario Court Finds Investment Firm Liable for Defamation in a Notice Of Termination Filed with IIROC and Orders Correction

The Ontario Superior Court has found that an investment firm defamed one of its former traders when it filed a Notice of Termination (NOT) with the securities regulator indicating the trader’s employment had been terminated for failing to follow trading policies and engaging in unauthorized trading. The Court concluded that there was no cause for…

Securities Act Amendments Allow Employees to Bring a Civil Action for Reprisal Against Whistleblowing

Recent amendments to the Ontario Securities Act (Act) now permit an employee to commence a civil action in court for reprisal against whistleblowing. Section 121.5 of the Act imposes new potential liability for employers. It states: 121.5 (1) No person or company, or person acting on behalf of a person or company, shall take a…

Uber Driver Class Action Stayed Due to Arbitration Clause

A recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court provides an important update and clarification on the applicability of arbitration clauses in a case where employment status is challenged. In Heller v. Uber Technologies Inc., the Court stayed a class action filed by a plaintiff on behalf of his fellow class members, Uber Drivers, against Uber…