Federal Government Releases Consultation Draft of Legislative Tax Proposals

The Department of Finance released draft legislative proposals in July and August of 2010 to implement a variety of tax measures, including those first outlined in its 2010 Budget along with several previously announced tax initiatives, for public consultation. The proposals outline significant changes to the tax rules applicable to employee stock options that will:…

Federal Government Introduces New Temporary Foreign Worker Regulations

On August 18, 2010, the federal government published new regulations applicable to temporary foreign workers (“TFWs”) under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.  The Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Temporary Foreign Workers) are designed to protect TFWs and minimize their exploitation by employers and third-party agents by amending the Immigration and Refugee…

Federal Budget Bill Receives Royal Assent

On Monday, July 12, 2010, Bill C-9, the Jobs And Economic Growth Act, received Royal Assent. As previously reported, Bill C-9 was introduced on March 29, 2010 and is omnibus legislation that amends various Acts to implement certain key measures outlined in the federal government’s 2010 Budget. Amendments to the Pension Benefits Standards Act (“PBSA”)…

Final Pension Regulations Released for Private Pension Plan Members

On June 25, 2010, the federal government released final regulations amending the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985. The regulations follow the publication of previously reported draft regulations on May 8, 2010, and are intended to enhance protections for private pension plan members by reducing funding volatility and modernizing the rules for investments by pension funds….

Federal Amendments to PIPEDA Introduced

On May 25, 2010, the federal government introduced two Bills that, if passed, would significantly amend PIPEDA: Bill C-29, the Safeguarding Canadians’ Personal Information Act and Bill C-28, the Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act. Bill C-29 would: specify the elements of valid consent for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information; permit the…

Department of Finance Proposes Changes to HST Calculation Rules Affecting Investment Funds

On May 19, 2010, the Department of Finance released proposed changes to the Harmonized Sales Tax (“HST”) rules covering the supply of financial services relating to the calculation of the provincial component of the HST under the Excise Tax Act. As outlined in the government Backgrounder, the proposed changes would affect, among others, mutual funds,…

New Federal Pension Regulation Amendments Proposed

On May, 8, 2010, the Federal government published proposed amendments to the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985. The proposed amendments would: amend the funding rules to adopt a new standard for establishing minimum funding requirements on a solvency basis using average (rather than current) solvency ratios to determine minimum funding requirements; introduce a solvency margin…

Mandatory Reporting of Internet Child Pornography by “Persons” Providing an Internet Service

On May 6, 2010, the Federal government introduced Bill C-22, the Protecting Children From Online Sexual Exploitation Act, legislation that would impose mandatory duty on “persons” (defined to include individuals, corporations, partnerships, unincorporated associations or organizations) providing an “internet service” (internet access, e-mail or internet content hosting) to report child pornography in specific cases. This…