Court of Appeal Affirms Non-Construction Employer Declaration does not Infringe the Charter

On May 8, 2012, the Ontario Court of Appeal found that the “non-construction employer” declaration in section 127.2 of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, 1995 (“LRA“) is constitutional. The Court of Appeal upheld the Divisional Court’s February 2011 ruling, finding that section 127.2 does not contravene the freedom of association guarantee found in section 2(d)…

University Disciplinary Decisions: Are they Reasonable? Are they Subject to the Charter?

On May 9, 2012, the Alberta Court of Appeal released its judgment in the case of Pridgen v. University of Calgary. Justice Paperny identified the issue before the Court as follows: “Are students at public universities entitled to use social networking sites to criticize the instruction they receive? The University of Calgary said “no” and…

Ontario Proposes Plan Administrator Disclosure Obligations, Proclamation Dates

On May 14, 2012, the Ontario government published additional draft amendments to General regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act (“Act”), and further proposed a proclamation date of July 1, 2012 in respect of certain amendments to the Act. The regulatory amendments would specifically outline the information plan administrators are required to disclose, including: “prescribed…

Implementation of Key Ontario Pension Reform Measures is Imminent

On April 30, 2012 and May 3, 2012, the Ontario Ministry of Finance issued two separate draft regulations that propose changes to the general Regulation 909 under the Ontario Pension Benefits Act (the “PBA Regulations”). Together, these two draft regulations are referred to in this FTR Now as the “Draft Regulations.” As discussed in our…

Ontario Anti-Bullying Bill Referred to Committee

On May 3, 2012, Bill 13, the Accepting Schools Act, 2011, passed at Second Reading and was ordered referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. As previously reported, Bill 13 is intended to address the issue of bullying in schools, and would, if passed, amend the Education Act to include a definition of bullying,…

Ontario Releases Proposed Grow-In Benefit Regulations

Further to the release of pension reform proposals, on Thursday, May 3, 2012 the Ontario government published additional draft amendments to General regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act (“Act”). As anticipated, the draft regulations prescribe additional “activating events” or circumstances that would trigger grow-in benefits for the purpose of s. 74(1), paragraph 3 of…

Overtime Eligibility Class Action Certification Motion Dismissed

On April 27, 2012, Mr. Justice George Strathy of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice released his decision in which he dismissed a motion for certification of a proposed class action brought by Michael Brown and Brian Singer, on behalf of current and former “Analysts,” “Investment Advisors” and “Associate Investment Advisors” employed by the Canadian…

2012 Spring Edition

FOCUS ON ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Judicial review – different litigation, different strategies LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Is your business ready for a labour disruption? Standards for judicial review continue to evolve PROFILE Litigation in the fast lane Download PDF

Long-Awaited Grow-In, Regulatory Pension Reforms Released

On Monday, April 30, 2012, the Ontario Ministry of Finance published long-awaited, proposed regulatory amendments under the Pension Benefits Act (“Act”), including additional, proposed prescribed “activating events” for the purposes of grow-in benefits that come into force on July 1, 2012, for public commentary.