With constantly evolving employer obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”), including the recent coming into force of new substantive workplace harassment legislation, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to keep up with their health and safety obligations.
Tag: Bill 168 – Workplace Violence and Harassment
MISA London Regional Professional Network Centre PIM Training Workshop
Topic Protecting and Managing Personal Information: Custody, Freedom of Information Requests, and Bill 168
School Board Management Conference
As in past years, our 2009 School Board Conference will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to Directors of Education, Trustees, Supervisory Officers and Human Resources Practitioners. We will take you first on a “whirlwind tour” of new cases and developments, addressing such issues as student searches, employee benefits and PDT arbitration hot spots….
Lancaster House Kitchener-Waterloo Workshop – Workplace Violence and Harassment
Topic Workplace Violence and Harassment
Stratford HR Association Labour & Employment Law Update
Topic Labour & Employment Law in 2010
AFI International Group Inc.
Topic Bill 168: Preventing Violence and Harassment in the Workplace
Partners in Prevention 2012
Topic Bill 168: Where Are We Now?
Workplace Investigation Training – Ottawa
Agenda This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents including: health and safety complaints Bill 168 workplace harassment and violence complaints discrimination and harassment complaints under the Human Rights Code employee misconduct, such as suspected sick leave abuse or time theft Following instructional components, attendees…
2015 Fall Edition
FOCUS ON WSIB Workplace safety and insurance – hidden profile, high stakes LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Bill 168 – Occupational health and safety five years later Developing an attendance management plan: what you need to know PROFILE David J. Bannon Download PDF
Expanded OLRB Power to Consider Bill 168 Workplace Harassment Reprisal Complaints
Based on two decisions rendered late last month, the Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB” or “Board”) has expanded the scope of the Board’s authority to consider complaints arising from the Bill 168 workplace harassment amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA” or “Act”). This moves away from the Board’s decision in Confortia v….