Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This session focuses on investigation fundamentals. Attendees will learn the key takeaways from case law and best practices for investigating workplace incidents.

Osgoode Professional Development: Mental Health Law for Children and Youth

OsgoodePD’s annual program brings together legal, healthcare, mental health, education and law enforcement professionals for a comprehensive one-day update of essential, current and emerging issues in mental health law for children and youth, together with practical legal advice on how to deal with them.

Canadian Association of University Solicitors (CAUS): 2023 Conference and Annual General Meeting

In “Sexual Misconduct at Universities: Bill 26 and Beyond,” Hicks Morley’s Amanda Lawrence-Patel—along with the University of Toronto’s Andrew Ebejer and Queen’s University’s Melissa Seal—will discuss the evolution of the law regarding sexual misconduct at universities, including recent statutory changes introduced by Bill 26, the Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022.