Ontario Court Approves Modest $62,000 Settlement in Employee Misclassification Class Action

In Morris v. Solar Brokers Canada Corp., the Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved a negotiated settlement of $62,000 in a class action arising from the alleged misclassification of individuals as independent contractors. The Court also approved class counsel fees in the amount of $20,000, leaving $42,000 to be distributed amongst the class. As a…

Ontario Court of Appeal Clarifies Transition Provision in Class Proceedings Act, 1992

Ontario’s class proceedings legislation was amended in 2020 and the Ontario courts have recently addressed the question of “transition” for cases begun under the “old” version of the legislation. In Martin v. Wright Medical Technology Canada Ltd., the Ontario Court of Appeal confirmed that there is a “bright line” between actions started under the Class…

Ontario Court Considers New Preferable Procedure Test

One of the important parts of the test for certification of a proposed class proceeding is that a class proceeding would be the preferable procedure for the resolution of the common issues. In Banman v. Ontario, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Court) provided the first detailed interpretation and application of the revised preferable procedure…

Class Action Certified Against the MLTC Respecting COVID-19 Deaths/Illnesses in Long-Term Care Homes

In Robertson v. Ontario, Justice Belobaba of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently certified a class proceeding against the Ontario Minister of Long-Term Care (MLTC). The case relates to the deaths or serious illness due to COVID-19 of thousands of residents in provincially regulated long-term care (LTC) homes. Although the class proceeding was certified,…

Ontario Court Approves Settlement in First Volunteer Misclassification Class Action

In Montaque v. Handa Travel Student Trip Ltd., the Ontario Superior Court recently approved a settlement in what the Court has stated is Canada’s first “volunteer misclassification” class action. Factual Background In 2020, a class action was certified against four related companies that operated a travel business selling vacation tours to students. The certified class…

Ontario Court Requires “Robust” Notice to Allow Class Members to Choose Whether to Opt-Out of Employment Class Action

Justice Perell, writing for the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in the ongoing Heller v. Uber class action, required a robust Notice Plan and Notice of Certification to be provided that clearly sets out sufficient information to allow class members to make an informed decision about whether or not to exercise their right to opt-out…

Ontario Superior Court Refuses to Certify Proposed Employment Class Action

In Curtis v Medcan Health Management Inc., Justice Perell of the Ontario Superior Court refused to certify a proposed class action related to vacation and statutory holiday pay, finding that a class proceeding would not be the preferable procedure for the resolution of common issues. The Ontario Employment Standards Act (ESA) requires that employees receive…

Ontario Tables Omnibus Legislation with Proposed Amendments to Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Class Proceedings Act, 1992

On April 15, 2021, the Ontario government tabled Bill 276, Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021, omnibus legislation which would, if passed, amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and the Class Proceedings Act, 1992, as well as a number of other statutes. Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) Bill 276 would amend the payment of wages…

Changes Are Coming to the Justice System in Ontario

On December 9, 2019, the Ontario government tabled Bill 161, Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2019, omnibus legislation that, if passed, would enact significant changes to the justice system through amendments to numerous statutes. Set out below is a brief summary of the notable changes to the Class Proceedings Act, 1992, the Courts of Justice…

Ontario Court Affirms Plaintiff’s Evidentiary Burden Under The Class Proceedings Act, 1992

In Bartholomew v. Coco Paving Inc. et al, the Ontario Superior Court recently rendered a helpful decision in dismissing a motion for certification of a proposed class action. The Court re-affirmed the evidentiary burden which must be met by a plaintiff in satisfying the four tests under sections 5(1)(b) through 5(1)(e) of the Class Proceedings…