
The university sector is faced with varied challenges and legislative changes on a regular basis. This session will delve into some of the latest decisions and legal developments affecting the sector.


Requests for family status accommodation have become increasingly common in recent years, and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of requests are only expected to increase. Whether an employee requests accommodation due to the need to supervise their child during the day, provide increased support for an elderly parent, or care for a family member who has contracted the virus, it is critical that the employer respond in a manner consistent with the current state of the law on family status accommodation. Join us for a webinar that addresses the legal obligations and best practices to keep in mind when engaging in the accommodation process, both during the pandemic and beyond.


The occurrence of inappropriate conduct in the workplace can have a detrimental effect on the workplace as a whole and can lead to serious implications for organizations and their HR professionals.


Organizations are faced with a variety of employment issues. While you may be comfortable dealing with the issues that occur time and time again, others arise so infrequently that you may feel unprepared when they finally do. This session will address some of the less common matters that you may need to deal with in managing employment-related legal matters.


More than two years ago, and in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, remote work became the norm for many organizations.


Requests for accommodation based on an individual’s religious beliefs, gender identity and/or gender expression can present unique challenges. How you respond to these types of requests can mean the difference between a finding that suitable accommodations were offered and one that exposes your organization to significant liability. Join us for a webinar that addresses the legal obligations and best practices to keep in mind as it relates to religious accommodation, gender identity and gender expression.


This webinar will focus on updating and clarifying issues of Anti-Black Racism and systemic discrimination, with an emphasis on how adjudicators assess claims of racial and systemic discrimination, both broadly and in the school board setting.


What are the legal obligations of school boards under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Education Act when considering police involvement in student misconduct and misbehaviour? This interactive webinar addresses these questions from a human rights and equity-informed perspective.