Thomas Agnew is Featured in the Meet the Expert Section of PrecedentJD

Hicks Morley’s Thomas Agnew was interviewed by PrecedentJD  in a July 4, 2018 article featured in their “Meet the Expert” section, titled, “Meet Labour and Employment Lawyers Thomas Agnew.” Thomas provides his responses to a series of questions regarding how he prepares for a case, what it’s like to argue a case, and the traits that he believes make a good labour and employment lawyer.

Federal Accessibility Legislation Tabled

On June 20, 2018, the federal government introduced Bill C-81, An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada (Bill), accessibility legislation which will apply to certain federally regulated employers. In its preamble, the Bill states that barriers to accessibility can prevent full and equal participation in society by Canadians with disabilities. If passed and among other things,…

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents including: workplace harassment and violence complaints, discrimination and harassment complaints under the Human Rights Code, employee misconduct, such as suspected sick leave abuse or time theft, health and safety complaints

Workplace Investigation Training Workshop

This workshop focuses on essential investigation skills required by HR Professionals who are charged with investigating workplace incidents including: workplace harassment and violence complaints, discrimination and harassment complaints under the Human Rights Code, employee misconduct, such as suspected sick leave abuse or time theft, health and safety complaints.

Accommodation Training Workshop

There’s no such thing as “textbook” accommodation. Whether your employee has a challenging physical or mental disability that impacts their ability to do the job, childcare problems that interfere with their performance, faith-related obligations or is in the process of transitioning, how you respond to that individual’s request – or don’t – can mean significant liability for your organization. Are you prepared?

Accommodation Training Workshop

There’s no such thing as “textbook” accommodation. Whether your employee has a challenging physical or mental disability that impacts their ability to do the job, childcare problems that interfere with their performance, faith-related obligations or is in the process of transitioning, how you respond to that individual’s request – or don’t – can mean significant liability for your organization. Are you prepared?

The First Bill 148 Cases: Overview of Key New ESA Decisions

It has now been 7 months since Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, was enacted and cases are beginning to emerge which interpret the new provisions of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA). In this Minimum Standards Monitor, we review some decisions of particular interest to employers which involve the new personal emergency leave (PEL) requirements, the equal pay for equal work provisions and the new minimum wage entitlements.

2018 Federal Budget Bill Passes

On June 21, 2018, Bill C-74, the Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 1, received Royal Assent. Bill C-74 is omnibus legislation enacting some of the measures outlined in the 2018 Federal Budget. Among other things,  it includes amendments to the following: Employment Insurance Act, to permanently implement the Working While on Claim pilot project; Canada…

2018 Client Conference Additional Resources

Keynote Speaker on Mental Health in the Workplace Dr. Raj Bhatla, Psychiatrist-in-Chief and Chief of Staff of the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group Resources from Presentation The Royal is one of Canada’s foremost mental health care and academic health science centres with a mandate of getting more people living with mental illness into recovery faster. The Royal…