Parliament Prorogues until October 16th

Upon the request of the Prime Minister, the Governor General officially prorogued Parliament today.  The next session of Parliament is scheduled to begin on October 16, 2013, with a Speech from the Throne.  As described in our previous post – Parliament to be Prorogued – all Government Bills have “died on the Order Paper,” and…

Government Announces Three-Year EI Premium Freeze

On September 9, 2013, the federal Government announced that it would be cancelling its planned EI premium hike for 2014.  Instead, EI premiums will be frozen at the 2013 level of $1.88 per $100 of insurable earnings.  The Government also stated that the rate would not exceed $1.88 for 2015 or 2016. On the same date,…

John Saunders Mentioned in Fire Fighting in Canada

Hicks Morley’s John Saunders was mentioned in the September 3, 2013 edition of Fire Fighting in Canada in an article entitled, “Police deserve higher pay than firefighters, report says.” The article discussed Deloitte’s job-evaluation report, presented by John Saunders at the City of London’s interest arbitration, which concluded that fire fighters do not deserve equal or…

Confidentiality Provisions: Important, Effective and Enforceable

In most unionized workplaces, many grievances are settled before the parties present their evidence and before an arbitrator issues a public decision. In most instances, when a grievance is settled, the terms of that settlement are recorded in written form. The parties often agree that the settlement must be kept confidential and include a confidentiality…

John Saunders Quoted in The London Free Press

Hicks Morley’s John Saunders was quoted in the August 27, 2013 edition of The London Free Press in an article entitled, “Toronto attorney John Saunders argues during arbitration hearing that the old rules are gone and some non-core services should be outsourced.” The article discusses contract arbitration hearings regarding proposed retroactive wage hikes for the…

Parliament to be Prorogued

The Prime Minister has announced that he will ask the Governor General to prorogue Parliament until October 2013. Parliament was previously set to resume sitting on September 16, 2013. With prorogation, the unfinished business of Parliament will “die” on the Order Paper, including government bills which have not yet received Royal Assent. These bills can…

Alberta Court of Appeal Upholds Conviction in Calf-Roping Machine Case

In its decision Alberta v. XI Technologies Inc., the Alberta Court of Appeal upheld the conviction of XI Technologies in relation to the death of an employee who was operating a faulty calf-roping machine at an employer hosted-event, concluding that the employer failed to do all that was reasonably practicable to avoid the foreseeable risks…

John Saunders Mentioned in The Globe and Mail

Hicks Morley’s John Saunders was mentioned in the August 8, 2013 edition of The Globe and Mail in Margaret Wente’s article entitled, “A nation of $100,000 firefighters.” Highlighting municipal budgets’ contentions with fire departments, the article attributes firefighters’ high wages and substantive increases to arbitration settlements. Paraphrasing Saunders, “There’s no good reason for salaries to…

The Duty to Accommodate and Poor Workplace Performance

What happens when an employee with physical restrictions is placed in a position consistent with those restrictions and provided with sufficient training, but is unable to perform the functions of that position? An Ontario arbitrator recently found that an employee’s inability to perform in such a position was unrelated to her disability, and that she…

Mandatory Retirement Upheld for Suppression Fire Fighters: HRTO Clarifies Accommodation Obligations

In its recent decision, Corrigan v. Mississauga (City), the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”) considered whether a municipal employer had a positive obligation to consider requests for individual exceptions to the mandatory retirement policy of age 60 for suppression fire fighters and to work with those fire fighters to develop a medical fitness testing…