In this webinar, Stephanie Jeronimo and Kenji Nuhn will review the latest inside/outside settlements in the municipal sector. Join them to learn more about the recent trends, potential risks and the information you need to know to be prepared for your upcoming round of bargaining.
Industry: Municipalities & Municipal Agencies
Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) and Hicks Morley: Competing Rights: What You Need to Know
Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell and Armin Sohrevardi will deliver a training session designed to help elected officials navigate sensitive situations that pit rights of one group against the rights of others.
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA): Decoding the Codes: What’s the Impact of Bills 79 and 149?
In a session titled, “New Year, New Law: Unveiling Bill 79 and Anticipating Bill 149 – Insights for Success,” Diane Harbin will begin by decoding Bill 79 and examining recent updates to the legislation. She will discuss crucial provisions such as the inclusion of remote workers in the establishment definition, mass termination obligations and heightened fines for occupational health and safety violations.
Ontario Bar Association Construction & Infrastructure Law/Municipal Law Program: Nailing Down the Key Issues for Getting Projects Built in Ontario
In this program focused on key issues facing both public- and private-sector clients who are working to get projects built in Ontario
Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (OMHRA) Fall Conference: It’s NOT Business as Usual
Overview The OMHRA Fall Conference gives municipal human resources professionals an opportunity to connect and explore timely and topical sessions. We look forward to reconnecting and providing information and advice in the following presentations. Victoria McCorkindale will review how AI is being introduced into the workplace, the importance of an AI use policy, the anticipated…
Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (OMHRA): Designing Recruitment Processes to Create Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces
In this 45-minute presentation designed for municipal human resources professionals, Amanda Cohen and Stephanie Jeronimo will discuss how to design a recruitment process that increases representation of historically underrepresented groups and how to make use of special program provisions under the Human Rights Code to achieve goals of diversity, equity and inclusivity.
Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (OMHRA): Designing Recruitment Processes to Create Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces
In this 45-minute presentation designed for municipal human resources professionals, Amanda Cohen and Anoushka Zachariah will discuss how to design a recruitment process that increases representation of historically underrepresented groups and how to make use of special program provisions under the Human Rights Code to achieve goals of diversity, equity and inclusivity.
The Growing Your Workforce Conference
This year’s Growing Your Workforce Conference, hosted by Workforce WindsorEssex, focuses on addressing workforce development challenges and opportunities across Southwestern Ontario. It is an event where ideas are exchanged, best practices are shared, and solutions are crafted to address the pressing issues facing workforces, talent pipelines and local labour markets.
Build a Better Employment Agreement: Do It Right to Mitigate Your Risk
The world of employment agreements has changed significantly in recent years but through proper terms and structure, employment agreements can help employers mitigate costly litigation and unforeseen financial consequences. This complimentary webinar will provide an overview of the essential components of an employment agreement that, if improperly drafted, have the potential to pose significant financial and litigation risk to an organization.
Advanced WSIB Claims Management: The Return-to-Work Process
The WSIB return-to-work process is complex. Employers must navigate multiple issues such as meeting return-to-work obligations, managing claim costs and addressing potential concurrent employment law issues.