
On November 9, 2023 the Supreme Court of Canada issued the long-awaited decision in R v Greater Sudbury (City). The outcome of this decision has widespread and significant implications under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) that will impact municipalities in the future.


This session focuses on investigation fundamentals. Attendees will learn the key takeaways from case law and best practices for investigating workplace incidents


This session focuses on recognizing, addressing and responding to discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace is multi-faceted (including direct, indirect, and systemic discrimination, unconscious bias, microaggressions, retaliations and reprisals, conduct by exclusion and abuse of authority). Without proper identification, discrimination cannot be appropriately addressed and combatted. This session will provide attendees with the tools necessary to identify the various types of discrimination at play in the workplace, and will provide legal and practical takeaways and best practices for responding proactively and reactively.


Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces. From administering an attendance management plan, to dealing with chronic absenteeism, to terminating an employee’s employment for failure to report to work, employers are often treading cautiously so as not to infringe on an employee’s privacy or human rights.


WSIB claims for mental stress conditions pose unique challenges for employers. Join us as we discuss best practices for effectively managing mental stress claims, with a view to mitigating costs and working toward successful resolution of claims in the workplace.


Arbitration Workshop

October 12, 2023

For human resources professionals tasked with maintaining workplace labour relations, navigating an organization’s grievance and arbitration process can present unique challenges—particularly if you aren’t yet familiar with key aspects and strategic considerations along the way.

This hands-on workshop has been designed to equip both new and more experienced members of your labour relations team with the skills necessary to prepare a case for grievance arbitration.