Kimberly D. Pepper

Kim advises and represents clients on a wide variety of labour and employment issues. She works with employers in the public and private sectors as well as employers in the not-for-profit sector to assist them in effectively managing all aspects of their human resources.

Natasha D. Monkman

Natasha Monkman is a pensions and benefits lawyer in Hicks Morley’s Toronto office and the chair of the firm’s Pensions, Benefits and Compensation Practice Group.  She regularly advises employers on governance, plan administration, investment and compliance matters relating to their employee benefit plans and pension plans as well as compensation matters.

Matthew J. Mihailovich

Matthew is the chair of the firm’s Healthcare Practice Group. He advises a wide variety of employers in both the public and private sectors on issues relating to their workplaces. He appears before labour arbitrators, in court, and before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, the Ontario Labour Relations Board, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal. He also regularly acts as spokesperson in collective bargaining.

Jacqueline J. Luksha

Jacqueline provides practical advice on a wide range of labour and employment issues. She represents clients in human rights complaints, grievance arbitrations, wrongful dismissal and other employment claims, wrongful competition, labour injunctions, restrictive covenants, employment standards complaints and employment contract disputes.

Sophia Duguay

Sophia provides the full range of labour relations and employment law advice to both public and private sector employers and regularly conducts negotiations and represents employers at interest arbitrations.

Ontario to Reform Certain Workplace Laws Relating to Construction Labour, Pensions and Workplace Safety and Insurance

On November 18, 2015, the Ontario government introduced Bill 144, the Budget Measures Act, 2015, omnibus legislation that would, if passed and among other things, implement reforms to construction labour relations, workplace safety and insurance indexing and to certain rules governing multi-employer pension asset transfers. The proposed Bill 144 changes include: Amending the construction industry provisions of…

The Ins and Outs of Developing & Administering an Effective Attendance Management Policy

Agenda One of the biggest costs faced by Ontario employers arises from absenteeism; one of the biggest challenges is putting in place an attendance management program which reflects the needs of the individual workplace while at the same time complying with legal obligations. In this fast-paced session, we will discuss several hot button topics that…

Appeal Court Confirms that Employer’s Financial Circumstances Not a Factor in Determining Reasonable Notice

Are an employer’s financial circumstances a relevant consideration in determining the period of reasonable notice to which a wrongfully dismissed employee is entitled? This is the question the Court of Appeal for Ontario was asked to decide in Michela v. St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic School, where the motion judge had reduced damages in lieu of…

Update on Timing of Proposed Changes to Taxation of Stock Options

In remarks accompanying the new federal government’s first fiscal update, on November 20, 2015, Canada’s Minister of Finance provided further guidance on proposed changes to tax rules that would limit the annual deduction from income that employees can claim upon exercising stock options. Significantly, Minister Morneau indicated that any such changes would only apply to…

Appeal Court Decision Underscores Importance of Clear Terms of Hire at Outset

In a recent decision, Holland v. Inc., the Court of Appeal for Ontario found that a termination provision in an employment agreement purporting to limit the appellant’s entitlements upon termination of employment to the statutory minimums under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) was unenforceable due to lack of consideration. The appellant had commenced employment…