Cloud E-mail Grievance Dismissed

Arbitrator Etherington recently dismissed a grievance that challenged a university’s decision to provide its faculty with cloud-based e-mail service.

COVID-19 Update: Certain Businesses Permitted to Reopen, and More

In this FTR Now: Province allows businesses to reopen; Ontario announces workplace health and safety guidance; Ontario expands the list of essential workers eligible to receive free emergency child care; Further amendments to the Employment Insurance Act and New Canada Emergency Student Benefit; and more!

Special COVID-19 Webinar: Compliance, Immigration & Employment

Hicks Morley and Green and Spiegel LLP have teamed up to bring you a special COVID-19 webinar focusing on Compliance, Immigration & Employment. The panel will asses the impact of COVID-19 on employer compliance from an immigration standpoint as well as employment-law related issues due to the pandemic.

Ontario Legislation Extends Time Limit for Student Expulsions

Bill 189, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Protection Act, 2020 received Royal Assent on April 14, 2020 (Bill 189). Among other things, Bill 189 amends the Education Act (Act) to extend the time limit to expel a student where such an extension is recommended to, and granted by, the Director of Education.

COVID-19 – Continuity of Pension Plan Administration and Related Regulatory Flexibility

During these uncertain times, pension plan administrators must continue to administer their pension plans and provide benefits to members, former members and retired members. Employers and pension plan administrators face a number of upcoming filing and disclosure deadlines and may have challenges in meeting those deadlines as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advantage CPD: Going Viral – COVID-19 Advice for Employers

As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Canada continues to rise, so too are the challenges that employers are facing across the country. Join us for a one-hour webinar as our presenters answer frequently asked questions and provide information on some of the key issues affecting employers with respect to the virus.

Employers Take Note: New PHIPA Amendments

On March 25, 2020, the provincial government passed Bill 188, Economic and Fiscal Update Act, 2020, which amends various statutes, including the Personal Health Protection Information Act, 2004 (PHIPA). Included among these amendments are new requirements for health information custodians relating to electronic audit logs, requirements for “consumer electronic service providers,” the ability of justices to make production orders, administrative penalties that can be issued by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (Commissioner) and a significant increase in the amount of penalties and possible imprisonment for offences. Unless otherwise indicated, these amendments came into force on March 25, 2020.