On September 8, 2016, changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) will come into force. The amendments require employers to develop policies and programs to prevent harassment, including sexual harassment, in the workplace. The Ministry of Labour has now finalized its “Code of Practice to Address Workplace Harassment under Ontario’s Occupational Health and…
Industry: School Boards
Insights for School Boards on New Government Inclusivity Initiatives Targeting Gender Identification Information
While it remains to be seen what further action either government may take to mandate reforms within the broader public or private sectors, find out how your School Boards may proactively revisit current gender inclusivity efforts to plan for potential reforms…
Arbitrator Rules MOE Memo Restricting Payment of Post-Retirement Benefits Cannot Override Terms of Employment Contract
In Piddisi v Toronto Catholic District School Board, a decision released on June 7, 2016, Arbitrator William Marcotte awarded a retired Supervisory Officer (SO) formerly employed by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) damages for the TCDSB’s failure to pay premiums for post-retirement benefits…
Kathryn Meehan Quoted by Financial Post on Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Reinstatement Order
Kathryn Meehan was quoted on June 14, 2016 in the Financial Post on the case involving the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s failure to accommodate the disabilities…
Appellate Court Upholds Significant Remedy Decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
A decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal) which ordered reinstatement and back wages for an employee who had been…
Extended Day and Third Party Program Regulation Filed Under the Education Act
On May 9, 2016, the Ontario government filed O. Reg. 129/16 made under the Education Act. O. Reg. 129/16 amends O. Reg. 221/11 (Extended Day and Third Party Programs) and is the supporting regulation to amendments made to the Education Act by the Child Care Modernization Act, 2014. Those amendments set out requirements for a…
Ontario Re-Introduces Bill to Protect Students
On May 17, 2016, the Ontario government re-introduced legislation to improve the discipline and investigation processes of the Ontario College of Teachers…
Court Rules that Education Act Authorizes Payment of Post-Retirement Benefits to Retirees Over Age 65
The Divisional Court has ruled that two school boards have authority under the Education Act (Act) to…
Ontario Court Rules Putting Students First Act is Unconstitutional
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice declared the Putting Students First Act (PSFA) unconstitutional in its decision OPSEU v. Ontario. The PSFA was repealed in 2013 and the remedy for the constitutional breach has not yet been determined…
Represented clients in the education sector at interest arbitration with ETFO and OSSTF.
Represented clients in the education sector at interest arbitration with ETFO and OSSTF.