Case In Point

Arbitrator Upholds Dismissal of Grievor for Posting Vicious Comments about Co-Worker on Facebook

In a recent labour arbitration award, Arbitrator Laura Trachuk upheld the dismissal of a three and one-half year employee for posting vicious, humiliating and threatening comments about a co-worker on Facebook. While the Arbitrator left many specifics out of her decision in order to protect the identities of those involved, this decision serves as an…


Supreme Court Finds Control and Dependency Will Determine if an Employment Relationship Exists

On May 22, 2014, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a significant employment law decision in McCormick v. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP. In this case, the Court found that an equity partner of a law firm was not an employee for the purposes of the British Columbia Human Rights Code. However, the Court also stated…

FTR Quarterly

2014 Spring Edition

FOCUS ON MINIMUM STANDARDS Minimum standards, maximum complications LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Minimize your risk: mental stress and the WSIB Minimum standards changes – an update for federal and provincial employers PROFILE From the lab to labour law Download PDF


Court of Appeal Reduces $1.45 Million Award to Constructively Dismissed Employee

The Court of Appeal for Ontario has released its decision in Boucher v. Wal-Mart Canada Corp. This case made headlines in 2012 after a jury trial awarded more than $1.45 million in compensatory, mental suffering, aggravated and punitive damages to Meredith Boucher for her claim that she was constructively dismissed as a result of the…

Human Resources Legislative Update

Ontario Amends “Letter of Credit” and BPS Solvency Funding Relief Regulations

On May 17, 2014, the Ontario government published regulatory amendments to Regulation 909 (General) under the Pension Benefits Act  that: clarify that for purposes of determining the total amount of all letters of credit (“LOC”) held in trust for the pension fund for inclusion in the solvency asset adjustment, the value of any special payments…


Deadline for Mandatory Health and Safety Awareness Training is July 1, 2014

Commencing on July 1, 2014, all Ontario employers are required to ensure that workers and supervisors receive mandatory safety awareness training pursuant to O. Reg 297/13, Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training. In this FTR Now, we provide a brief reminder about these new training obligations, which were discussed in detail in our November…


WSIAT Finds Limitations on Mental Stress Unconstitutional

On April 29, 2014, Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) issued a significant decision regarding entitlement to benefits for chronic mental stress under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (“WSIA“). In Decision No. 2157/09, the Tribunal found that the provisions in the WSIA limiting entitlement to mental stress that “arises from…

Case In Point

Supreme Court Affirms Broad Public Sector Decision-Making Privilege

Below is a post I wrote for All About Information regarding a significant decision rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada last Friday on the scope of the “advice and recommendations” exemption from disclosure found in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: “Yesterday the Supreme Court of Canada held that the “advice and recommendations” exemption…


CAPSA Releases Guideline on Defined Contribution Pension Plans

On March 28, 2014, the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (“CAPSA”), the association which represents all Canadian pension regulators, released the final version of Guideline No. 8: Defined Contribution Pension Plans, (“DC Guidelines”) along with an accompanying reference document. The DC Guidelines were issued following the circulation of a draft version and extensive public…

Human Resources Legislative Update

Increased Cancer Coverage Under WSIA for Firefighters

On May 2, 2014, prior to the dissolution of the Legislature, the Ontario government published regulatory amendments to s. 4 of Ontario Regulation 253/07 made under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (“WSIA”). O. Reg. 113/14 adds the following six cancers to the list of diseases that are prescribed for the purposes of the presumptive…