Represented a large employer in a class action brought by former employees regarding changes to a retiree benefit program.

Represented trustees of a pension plan in a class action relating to ownership of surplus pension plan funds and administration of the pension plan and successfully resolved the matter with no liability for the trustees.

Represented trustees of a supplemental employee retirement plan in a class action arising from the partial wind up of the plan and successfully resolved the matter with no liability for the trustees.

Represented a large retailer in a class action brought by former employees alleging wrongful dismissal claims.

Defeated certification in a proposed class action brought by employees involving bonus claims.

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees against a large public sector organization alleging asbestos exposure (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees claiming entitlement to overtime pay against a large financial institution (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees regarding claims for employment standards payments following a plant closure, based on a jurisdictional motion (upheld on appeal).

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by employees in Ontario and Quebec alleging mass constructive dismissal (upheld on appeal).

Represented multiple pension plan trustees in a class action relating to ownership of surplus pension plan funds.

Represented individual trustees of a supplemental retirement benefit plan in a class action arising from the partial wind-up of the plan.

Represented a provincial government in a class action challenging retiree benefit plan changes.

Successfully resisted certification of a class action for overtime pay brought by certain groups of investment advisors at a financial institution and had decision upheld on appeal.

Successfully had a class action filed by unionized employees following a plant closure struck out, and had this decision upheld on appeal.

Successfully defeated certification in proposed class actions brought by against a large insurance company.

* past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases