Successfully defended a financial institution in a significant discharge case for poor performance misconduct.

Successfully defended a national restaurant chain before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario against claims of racial discrimination in employment.

Successfully resisted an application for judicial review on behalf of a retailer in respect of a dismissal of a human rights complaint based on family status and disability.

Successfully defended a school board against allegations of failing to accommodate the special education needs of a student.

Successfully secured an early dismissal of a human rights complaint against a school board for abuse of process.

Successfully defended a school board against claims of disability discrimination and a failure to accommodate from a former Vice Principal.

Successfully defended two large municipalities before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and Divisional Court in human rights litigation over mandatory retirement for firefighters at age 60.

Successfully defended a broader public sector employer in dismissal of a pay equity complaint alleging unreasonable evaluation results and failure to use the appropriate male comparator in a jointly negotiated pay equity maintenance plan with the bargaining agent.

Successfully defended a municipality in having a pay equity complaint regarding maintenance obligations dismissed.

Successfully defended a hospital in having a pay equity complaint about job evaluation results dismissed for failing to allege a prima facie case.

Successfully defended a mining company in having the discharge of a long-service employee upheld for dishonesty, misconduct and sleeping on the job in a safety-sensitive workplace.

Successfully defended a university and a municipality in various human rights litigation alleging a failure to accommodate disability and family status in employment.

Successfully defended an in-home healthcare provider in a significant discharge case for sick leave abuse and achieved a successful result in having the long-time inclusion of a supervisory group of employees overturned and the group removed from the bargaining unit.

Successfully represented an Ontario municipality in a judicial review application relating to a human rights tribunal decision on the issue of mandatory retirement for firefighters.

Successfully defended an international trucking manufacturer in a proposed class action resulting from an Ontario plant closure.

Successfully defended a financial institution in a proposed overtime class action brought by investment advisors and counsel to a financial institution in a national “off the clock” class action.

* past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases