Successfully defended a retail client in a human rights claim concerning the obligation of an employer to schedule additional staff in order to provide an employee with reasonable accommodation.
Assisted a municipal client in resolving an ongoing labour and human rights dispute concerning an employee’s unjust dismissal and long-term-disability benefits claims.
Successfully defended a school board in a labour arbitration case challenging its ability to have students perform office duties as part of a student enrichment program.
Successfully defended a hospital employer’s right to restrict employee overtime to hours actually worked contrary to a longstanding workplace practice.
Successfully defended a municipal client’s by-law services department in a human rights claim where the applicant claimed racial discrimination in relation to ongoing by-law concerns on his property.
Successfully defended a school board at labour arbitration in a case involving its denial of an employee’s request to take a paid “religious Holy Day” in order to attend a religious convention.
* past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases