2098 Results

The Ins and Outs of Developing & Administering an Effective Attendance Management Policy

Agenda One of the biggest costs faced by Ontario employers arises from absenteeism; one of the biggest challenges is putting in place an attendance management program which reflects the needs of the individual workplace while at the same time complying with legal obligations. In this fast-paced session, we will discuss several hot button topics that…

Appeal Court Confirms that Employer’s Financial Circumstances Not a Factor in Determining Reasonable Notice

Are an employer’s financial circumstances a relevant consideration in determining the period of reasonable notice to which a wrongfully dismissed employee is entitled? This is the question the Court of Appeal for Ontario was asked to decide in Michela v. St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic School, where the motion judge had reduced damages in lieu of…

Update on Timing of Proposed Changes to Taxation of Stock Options

In remarks accompanying the new federal government’s first fiscal update, on November 20, 2015, Canada’s Minister of Finance provided further guidance on proposed changes to tax rules that would limit the annual deduction from income that employees can claim upon exercising stock options. Significantly, Minister Morneau indicated that any such changes would only apply to…

Appeal Court Decision Underscores Importance of Clear Terms of Hire at Outset

In a recent decision, Holland v. Hostopia.com. Inc., the Court of Appeal for Ontario found that a termination provision in an employment agreement purporting to limit the appellant’s entitlements upon termination of employment to the statutory minimums under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) was unenforceable due to lack of consideration. The appellant had commenced employment…

Is an Employer Required to Accommodate an Employee’s “Personal Choice” to Breastfeed?

In Flatt v. Canada (Attorney General), a case that has garnered media attention, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld a decision that found an applicant who requested accommodation to breastfeed her child during working hours failed to meet the test for establishing prima facie discrimination. The Court held this request involved the applicant’s “personal choice” – not…

Supreme Court of Canada on Prima Facie Discrimination and a Plaintiff’s Burden of Proof

The Supreme Court of Canada recently overturned a decision of the Québec  Human Rights Tribunal (“Tribunal”) which found that Bombardier had discriminated against a pilot, Mr. Latif, by refusing to provide him with training on certain Bombardier aircraft after U.S. authorities denied his security clearance. The unanimous Court found that there was insufficient evidence to…

Accommodation Training Workshop

A one-day interactive training workshop on managing accommodation issues in the workplace Agenda There’s no such thing as “textbook” accommodation. Whether your employee has a challenging physical or mental disability that impacts their ability to do the job, childcare problems that interfere with his or her performance, faith-related obligations or is in the process of…

Reaching Out – Ninth Edition

Dear Friends, It has been an eventful few months since our Spring Edition of Reaching Out. With the playoff run by the Blue Jays and the federal election behind us, we are pleased to provide the Fall Edition of Reaching Out. Allison E. MacIsaac reviews current challenges related to gender identity and gender expression in the…

Ontario Introduces Legislation Addressing Sexual Violence and Harassment

On October 27, 2015, the Ontario government introduced Bill 132, Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), 2015 which, if passed, would amend various statutes with respect to sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence and related matters. Among other things, it would: amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act to revise the…

Don’t Spoil Your Case! Preservation of Evidence for Litigation Success

Agenda When litigation is anticipated, a key issue that is often innocently overlooked is the immediate need to preserve all evidence in your possession that may become relevant through the proceedings. Failing to do so may have adverse consequences to your organization. At this Advantage session, we will take you through the legal principles and…