667 Results

Speaking Engagement

Overview The Construction Labour & Employment Relations Conference is uniquely designed to foster relevant and timely discussion driven by the needs of senior executives and professionals representing Canadian building trades unions and construction employers. Through candid debate, panel discussions and expert-led presentations, seasoned practitioners and leading advisors will examine significant legislative developments and emerging labour…

Speaking Engagement

As one of the featured lawyers speaking at the forum, Charles Hofley will discuss key topics in HR including artificial intelligence, bargaining trends and current labour relations, arbitration and human rights issues in the developmental services sector.

Speaking Engagement

The landscape of pension and retirement savings has become much more complex over the years. Longer life expectancies and workplace demographics that often skew toward the more mature end of the spectrum are also complicating factors. As pension law and regulation continue to evolve, a good understanding of the legal framework, best practices and risk management is critical to successful plan administration.