Union Financial Disclosure Bill Receives Royal Assent

On June 30, 2015, Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations), received Royal Assent. Bill C-377, a private member’s bill, requires unions to file certain financial information with the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) within six months from the end of each fiscal period. Among other things, information to…

Federal Post – First Edition

Dear Friends, We are excited to bring to you our first edition of the Federal Post, a newsletter designed exclusively for federally regulated employers. The Federal Post discusses issues that are topical, timely and important. It will cover the gamut of matters which impact your workplace, from human rights to minimum standards to labour relations…

Ontario Passes PRPP Legislation

On May 26, 2015, Bill 57, the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act, 2015, passed Third Reading, as amended by the Standing Committee on Social Policy. The Bill, which is awaiting Royal Assent, will come into force on a date to be named by proclamation. As we previously reported, pooled registered pension plans (“PRPPs”) are a…

Federal Government Announces Possible Canada Pension Plan Expansion

On May 26, 2015, the federal government announced that it will conduct public consultations regarding potential changes to the Canada Pension Plan (“CPP”) to allow Canadians to voluntarily contribute more.  No details were released at the time of the announcement.  We will continue to monitor any developments regarding a possible expansion of the CPP.

Alberta Extends Deadline for Filing Amendments Relating to EPPA Reform

As previously reported, the pension reforms in British Columbia will come into force on September 30, 2015. Amendments to plans registered in British Columbia which reflect the new legislative requirements must be filed by December 31, 2015.  While likely to follow suit, the Ontario pension regulator, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, has not yet…

Changes to the Federal Pension Investment Rules

In March 2015, the federal government published final regulations amending investment rules under the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 (“Regulations”). These reforms apply to federally registered pension plans and to pension plans registered in provincial jurisdictions that have adopted Schedule III of the Regulations, as amended (the “Federal Investment Rules” or “FIR”). As we previously…

B.C. Pension Reforms Effective September 30, 2015

Effective September 30, 2015, British Columbia’s new Pension Benefits Standards Act (“PBSA”) and supporting regulation, the Pension Benefits Standards Regulation (the “New Regulation”), will come into force, at last implementing key legislative changes originally passed by the British Columbia government in the spring of 2012. Plans must be administered to reflect the new legislative requirements…

Ontario Budget 2015

On April 23, 2015, the Ontario Minister of Finance tabled the 2015 provincial Budget, “Building Ontario Up” (“Budget”), and Bill 91, Building Ontario Up Act (Budget Measures), 2015 (“Bill 91”), omnibus legislation designed to implement some of the proposals contained in the Budget. In this FTR Now, we highlight some of the key proposals that…

2015 Ontario and Federal Budgets Released

On April 23, 2015, the Ontario government tabled the 2015 provincial Budget, “Building Ontario Up” (“Budget”) and Bill 91, Building Ontario Up Act (Budget Measures), 2015 (“Bill 91”), supporting omnibus legislation designed to implement some of the proposals contained in the Budget. We are in the process of reviewing the Budget and Bill 91, and…

Federal Budget 2015

On April 21, 2015, the Minister of Finance tabled the 2015 Federal Budget, “Strong Leadership: A Balanced-Budget, Low-Tax Plan for Jobs, Growth and Security.” This FTR Now focuses on some of the key proposals that are of particular interest to employers, human resources professionals and pension plan administrators. These include: changes to registered retirement income…