
Managing WSIB claims has become increasingly complex. Many issues are impacting employers’ WSIB costs, including unsuccessful return-to-work efforts, complicated injuries, psychological conditions, pre-existing conditions and a lack of monitoring and progress. In this workshop, attendees will learn proactive and effective strategies to manage some of the most common and difficult issues that arise in WSIB claims, with a view to mitigating their costs and reducing their risks.


Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces and it can impact productivity and morale in the workplace. In addressing absenteeism issues, employers must be aware of the interplay between their legitimate expectation that employees attend work regularly and the many valid reasons for absences, including statutory leaves and an employee’s human rights.


Employee absenteeism is one of the most challenging issues an employer faces and it can impact productivity and morale in the workplace. In addressing absenteeism issues, employers must be aware of the interplay between their legitimate expectation that employees attend work regularly and the many valid reasons for absences, including statutory leaves and an employee’s human rights.


This session will begin with a brief overview of workplace investigation best practices. We will then turn our attention to an interactive exercise in which attendees will have the opportunity to use what they learned in Part 1 to develop and hone their skills.


In this hands-on, interactive workshop, we will review the tools needed to address and manage disability and accommodation issues in the workplace.


Requests for family status accommodation have become increasingly common in recent years, and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of requests are only expected to increase. Whether an employee requests accommodation due to the need to supervise their child during the day, provide increased support for an elderly parent, or care for a family member who has contracted the virus, it is critical that the employer respond in a manner consistent with the current state of the law on family status accommodation. Join us for a webinar that addresses the legal obligations and best practices to keep in mind when engaging in the accommodation process, both during the pandemic and beyond.