Speaking Engagement

Lawyers practicing workers’ compensation law are presented with unique ethical and professional dilemmas. What are the tactics and strategies lawyers should use to make a persuasive case within the ethical bounds of the practice of law? What ethical and professional considerations do WSIAT Adjudicators expect during a hearing, especially when it involves self-represented parties? Join our stellar faculty in their roundtable discussion about the influence of ethics in their practice, argument and interpretation of the law from the moment they obtain the claim file to closing arguments at WSIAT.

Conference / Seminar

Change is a constant in the human resources world, particularly for Ontario’s school boards. Ongoing developments in the law, whether through new legislation, arbitrations or the courts, and the rapid evolution of best practices create a fast-paced learning environment for human resources professionals, directors of education, supervisory officers and trustees.

Speaking Engagement

Overview Topic: Sexual Harassment – Creating a Culture of Safer Workplaces This presentation will explore how employers can create safer workplaces for all employees with the development of advanced inclusion and equity policies and programs. The presentation will also explore opportunities to restore workplace relations, among workers directly involved, as well as bystanders, which have…

Conference / Seminar

Join us at our 2019 Healthcare Conference which will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to human resources professionals within hospitals, long-term care facilities and other healthcare providers.


Since January 2018, workers have been entitled to WSIB benefits for chronic mental stress where the chronic mental stress is caused by a substantial work-related stressor such as workplace harassment and other criteria are satisfied. This Advantage CPD session will provide employers with a practical update on how this policy is being applied by the WSIB at each stage of claim adjudication, and how these WSIB claims may impact proceedings in other forums.

Speaking Engagement

Overview The legalization of cannabis for recreational use and the exponential growth of people using medicinal cannabis gives rise to challenges for employers and service providers. Our speakers will provide insights into legal developments related to medical and recreational cannabis for those working in employee benefits and human resources, including the impact of cannabis on…